Products meeting the search criteria
200 hr - General Lines (Property and Casualty) 2-20 Pre-Licensing Course (INS026FL200)
Complies with the State requirements for the General Lines Agents State examination. Work at your ..
$290.00 $390.00
60 hr 20-44 Personal Lines Agent Pre-Licensing Course (INS015FL60)
This is an entry-level course for insurance agents. After 1 year with this license, you can use..
Insuring the Small Business (CE) (INSCE015FL3)
This class is available for all insurance agents for CE credit, but was written especially for Comm..
40 hr Pre-licensing - 2-20 CONVERSION COURSE (INS016FL40)
This 40-hour pre-licensing course helps an insurance agent convert their 4-40, 0-55, or 20-44 licen..
40 hr 4-40 RCSR - Registered Customer Representative Designation Online Course (INS005FL40)
This 40-hour course is a Florida-approved 4-40 designation course, which functions like a pre-lice..
200 hr Prelicensing - 2-20 Property and Casualty, General Lines Agent Pre-Licensing Course (INS007FL200)
6 months of access to our Famous2-20 Resident General Lines (Property, Casualty, Sur..
4 hr Law & Ethics Update PC1 - for 2-20 and 20-44 Agents and 4-40 CSRs (INSCE019FL5k)
4-HOUR LAW AND ETHICS UPDATE PC1 - PROPERTY AND CASUALTY This class satisfies the requirement..
2-20 and 20-44 Agent Practice Question Generator (PE003)
Practice Exam generator with over 600 questions! The Florida General Lines Agent (2-20) and the P..
6 hr all Licenses CE - Surplus Lines (INSCE036FL6)
The Surplus Lines Agent License (1-20) allows the licensee to handle the placement of insurance cove..
Cram Course - 2-20 General Lines Agent Pass Prep Course (INS020FL)
This course prepares the student to sit for their Florida 2-20 Property & Casualty licensing exa..
14 hr Property and Casualty Insurance Continuing Education (INSCE026FL14)
This course is designed as a continuing education course related to general lines insurance. This co..
6 hr Property and Casualty - Commercial Lines Continuing Education (INSCE022FL6)
This course is designed as a continuing education course related to commercial insurance. The c..
6 hr CE Property and Casualty - Personal Lines (INSCE021FL6)
This course is designed as a continuing education course related to personal lines insurance. There ..
3 hr All Licenses CE - Flood Insurance Concepts (INSCE007FL3)
Various aspects of Flood Insurance will be covered in this course, including the history of the Nati..